Success Stories
Success stories are shining examples of how determination and dedication to a goal can lead to impressive achievements.
Nika Nochovka
12 рокiв
Hello! My name is Nika Nochovka, and I’m 12 years old. I study at the International Online School Montessori Center and pursue several subjects. I enjoy painting and playing the piano the most. Painting allows me to express my thoughts and emotions on canvas, while the piano lets me create...
Maria Saikina
16 рокiв
Maria Saikina, a talented student at the International Montessori School of Arts, has been actively studying at the school since 2016. To date, she has attended over 440 lessons in various disciplines, such as painting, vocal, and piano. From the very beginning, Maria has shown herself to be a very...
Alexandra Grechushkina
7 рокiв
Hello! My name is Sasha Grechushkina, and I’m 7 years old. I’ve been studying at the Montessori Center since 2021 and I’m involved in many interesting activities. I really enjoy playing classical guitar, and I love painting and learning English just as much. In dance classes, I get to move...
Yulia Zadneprovskaya
10 рокiв
Yulia Zadneprovskaya, a student at our school, demonstrates incredible talent in painting and playing the piano. At just 10 years old, she has already achieved significant success, becoming the winner of the prestigious ChildOpenArt - 86 drawing competition in September 2023. Her work impressed the judges with its depth and...
Eva Tkalenko
17 рокiв
Eva Tkalenko, a 17-year-old student at our school, has already established herself as one of the most talented young artists. She has won the ChildOpenArt art competition multiple times, which attests to her high level of skill and creative potential. Her works impress with their depth of concept and execution,...
Polina Zaikina
13 рокiв
Polina Zaikina, a 13-year-old student at our school, has already achieved significant success in music. In February 2024, she became the winner of the prestigious Montessori Stars Online music competition, marking an important milestone in her musical career. Her performance captivated the judges not only with her technique but also...
Eldar Polunin
13 рокiв
Eldar Polunin, a 13-year-old student of the Montessori Center, began his education at the age of just 3 years. From the very beginning, he displayed outstanding abilities in drawing, which immediately caught the attention of teachers and parents. Even at such a young age, Eldar actively participated in various competitions,...
Herman Ishchenko
11 рокiв
Hello! My name is Herman Ishchenko, and I’m 11 years old. I have been studying at the Montessori Center since 2017, and by the summer of 2024, I had attended nearly 899 lessons! I really enjoy studying at our school because here I can do what I love most—painting. I...
Veronika Budnik
7 рокiв
Veronika Budnik, a 7-year-old student at the Montessori Center, began her studies in 2023 and has already achieved impressive results. She is involved in three areas: painting, piano, and dance, and each of these activities brings her great joy. Veronika immerses herself in the world of art with great enthusiasm,...