How to Prepare for the First Session with a Speech Therapist

How to Prepare for the First Session with a Speech Therapist

The first session with a speech therapist is an important step in your child's life that can significantly impact their speech development. Preparing for this event will help make the process more comfortable and effective for both the child and the specialist. In this article, we will discuss how to properly prepare for the first session with a speech therapist so that your child feels confident and calm.

Understanding the Role of the Speech Therapist

First and foremost, it is important to explain to your child who a speech therapist is and what role they play in their life. A speech therapist is a specialist who helps children develop their speech, improve pronunciation, and overcome speech difficulties. Tell your child that sessions with a speech therapist are not only beneficial but also fun. You can mention that games and creative tasks are used during the sessions, which will help ease any tension.

Gathering Information About Your Child

Before the first session, it will be helpful for the speech therapist to know as much as possible about your child. Prepare information about their speech skills, developmental features, and any difficulties they may be experiencing. If you have recommendations from teachers or doctors, be sure to bring them along. This will help the speech therapist quickly understand how to best work with your child.

Preparing Necessary Materials

If your session is taking place in an online format, make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. These may include notebooks, pens, toys, or pictures that may be needed during the session. If you are unsure about what might be needed, don’t hesitate to ask the speech therapist in advance.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

If the session is online, ensure that the place where your child will be is comfortable and quiet. Make sure there is enough light in the room and that background noise is minimal. This will help your child focus on the session and not be distracted by outside sounds.

Establishing a Routine

Before the first session, try to establish a routine that will help your child be in good shape. Make sure they are well-rested, have eaten, and are ready for the lessons. If your child is attending online arts school, try to organize their day so that the speech therapy sessions do not coincide with other activities. This will help avoid fatigue and increase the effectiveness of the lessons.

Discussing Expectations

Before the session, discuss with your child what they expect from the speech therapy lessons. Talk about what topics might be interesting and what goals they would like to achieve. This will help your child feel more involved in the process and set a positive mindset for the outcome.

Support and Motivation

It is important for your child to feel your support and motivation. Explain to them that sessions with a speech therapist are a step towards improving their speech skills and self-confidence. Praise them for their courage and willingness to learn. If your child feels your support, it will be easier for them to open up and work with the therapist.


Preparing for the first session with a speech therapist is an important process that requires attention and care. Understanding the role of the therapist, gathering information about your child, creating a comfortable environment, and establishing a routine will help make the first session successful. Don’t forget about supporting and motivating your child so that they feel confident and calm. Remember that sessions with a speech therapist can be not only beneficial but also enjoyable, especially if they include elements of play and creativity, as seen in online arts schools.

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