Geometric Transformations: Basic Rules and Examples

Geometric Transformations: Basic Rules and Examples

Geometric transformations play a crucial role in studying and applying geometry. They allow us to alter the shape, size, and position of figures in space while preserving their fundamental properties. In this article, we will explore the main types of geometric transformations, their rules, and provide examples.

Main Types of Geometric Transformations

1. Translation.

Definition: Translation is a transformation in which every point of a figure is shifted by the same distance in a specific direction. The figure retains its shape and size but changes its position.


  • Translation does not change the angles or side lengths of the figure.
  • All points of the figure move by the same distance in the same direction.

Example: If you translate a triangle 5 units to the right and 3 units up, all its vertices will shift by these distances, and the shape of the triangle will remain unchanged.

2. Reflection.

Definition: Reflection is a transformation where a figure is "flipped" over a line known as the line of symmetry. Each point of the figure is moved so that the distance to the line of symmetry is preserved.


  • Angles and side lengths of the figure remain unchanged.
  • The figure is mirror-symmetrical with respect to the line of reflection.

Example: If you reflect a square over a vertical line, its shape will remain the same, but the square's position will be as if it were viewed in a mirror.

3. Rotation.

Definition: Rotation is a transformation where a figure is turned around a fixed point called the center of rotation by a specified angle.


  • Angles and side lengths of the figure remain unchanged.
  • The figure's position changes depending on the angle of rotation.

Example: If you rotate a triangle 90 degrees around one of its vertices, all its sides and angles will remain the same, but the triangle will be located in a new position relative to its original place.

4. Scaling (Enlargement or Reduction).

Definition: Scaling is a transformation where a figure changes its size, either enlarging or reducing, while preserving its proportions. All distances between points increase or decrease according to the scaling factor.


  • Angles and shapes of the figure are preserved.
  • Side lengths change proportionally to the scaling factor.

Example: If you enlarge a square by a factor of two, its sides will be twice as long, but the square's shape will remain the same.

Examples of Geometric Transformations in Practice

1. In Architecture. Architects often use transformations to create building plans. For example, they might use reflection to design symmetrical facades or rotations to arrange elements on blueprints.

2. In Computer Graphics. Vector graphics and 3D modeling heavily use geometric transformations to create and manipulate images and models. Rotations, scalings, and translations allow animating objects and creating visual effects.

3. In Art. Artists use geometric transformations to create symmetrical and repeating patterns, as well as to compose elements on a canvas.


Geometric transformations are essential tools in the study of geometry and its practical applications. Understanding the basic rules of translation, reflection, rotation, and scaling allows us to solve various problems related to altering figures and applying them in different fields. Utilizing these transformations helps create harmonious and functional designs, whether in architecture, art, or science.

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