Speech Therapy Exercises to Improve Diction

Speech Therapy Exercises to Improve Diction

Diction refers to the clarity and distinctness of speech, which plays an important role in communication. Good diction helps a child express their thoughts confidently and be understood by others. Speech therapy exercises can significantly improve diction and develop speech skills. In this article, we will explore several effective exercises that can be performed both during speech therapy lessons and at home, including online lessons and activities at an online arts school.

Exercises for Developing Articulation

Articulation is the ability to pronounce sounds correctly. To improve diction, it is essential to develop articulation. Here are a few exercises that can help:

  • Lip and Tongue Gymnastics. Ask your child to perform simple movements: "try to smile," "purse your lips," "stick out your tongue." These exercises help strengthen the muscles responsible for speech.
  • Sound Games. Use toys or pictures to demonstrate how different sounds are pronounced. For example, you can use pictures of animals and make the sounds they produce. This not only develops articulation but also makes the lessons engaging.

Exercises for Improving Breathing

Proper breathing is the foundation of clear speech. The following exercises can help develop it:

  • Breathing Exercises. Ask your child to inhale through their nose and then slowly exhale through their mouth, imagining they are blowing on a candle. This exercise helps develop breath control and improves diction.
  • Bubble Blowing Game. Ask your child to blow bubbles, trying to make them as big as possible. This exercise not only develops breathing skills but also brings joy.

Exercises for Developing Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic awareness is the ability to distinguish between sounds and their combinations. The following exercises are suitable for its development:

  • Listen and Repeat. Say several words and then ask your child to repeat them. This exercise helps develop attention and listening skills, which are important for clear diction.
  • Game "What Changed?". Say a word, then change one sound and ask your child to guess what changed. This develops not only listening skills but also critical thinking.

Exercises for Enriching Vocabulary

Enriching vocabulary is an important aspect of improving diction. Here are a few exercises that can help your child:

  • Word Associations. Start with one word and ask your child to name all the words that come to mind. For example, if you say "sun," they might respond with "summer," "warmth," "light." This develops creativity and thinking skills.
  • Storytelling. Ask your child to come up with a short story using specific words. For instance, give them three words: "cat," "tree," "rain." This exercise helps develop imagination and narrative skills.

Integrating Exercises into Online Lessons

With the advancement of technology, many parents are choosing online lessons for their children. Speech therapists are also adapting their sessions for remote learning. You can use the suggested exercises during online classes to make them more engaging. For example, during speech therapy lessons, you can use interactive apps and platforms that offer game-based tasks.


Speech therapy exercises to improve diction are an important tool in developing children's speech skills. They help develop articulation, breathing, and phonemic awareness, as well as enrich vocabulary. Integrating these exercises into speech therapy lessons, online lessons, and activities at an online arts school makes the learning process more accessible and interesting. Remember that regular practice and parental support play a key role in achieving success!

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